Supporting School Children in Uganda
Helping out around the world
Recently Ricoh Hamilton were approached by one of their customers, Kiwitahi School in the Waikato, who were looking for some support for the Children’s Picture Books campaign for school children in need in Uganda.
We gladly put our hand up in support and offered to print a number of bright colourful story books for the team heading over to visit a dozen Ugandan schools,
To place some perspective on just how much receiving story books meant for these children – most of the more secluded schools would be lucky to have one book in the whole school, even pencils are a luxury item and needed to be shared between two children. If lost it meant they would go without for the remainder of the year.
Pauline McCleod from Children’s Picture Books, who organised the visit to Uganda said on her arrival to NZ:
“We are back from a very successful trip to Uganda. I cannot describe the gratefulness and enthusiasm our books were received with. I still carry the look of joy in a group of children’s eyes as we handed over the books.
I know we had contact with 12 schools – not even a drop in the ocean – but I’m sure this will have a ripple effect . Mr Charles at Maligita school of 400 students has 4 family members who are also teachers so I’m sure his pile will have been shared around.
The teaching style is rote learning (a memorisation technique based on repetition) and all schools teach in English from Year 3. The teachers’ English is also limited, so an exposure to literature helps broaden their knowledge and teaching resources as well.
We are extremely grateful to Ricoh for your donation, enabling us to give the children in Uganda the books.”