Ricoh Maori and Pasifika Business Start Up Scholarships
Ricoh New Zealand is committed to enabling small businesses within New Zealand to succeed. We recognise that small businesses provide job opportunities, potential revenue, and many more downstream benefits. As such we offer 10 New Zealand Start Up Scholarships per year.The approximate value of this is $1,000.00 + GST per device per year. There is a maximum of two Multi-Function Devices per new scholarship, and focused nationally.Initial applications will be reviewed by Ricoh’s Māori Engagement Committee (Kōmitimiti) and winners chosen by Ricoh’s Directors
Each year, applications open December 1st and close 1st February the following year. Scholarship is valid for one year from April 1st to March 31st the year immediately following the close of applications
Any organisation which is at least 50% owned by a person who identifies as a Māori or Pasifika individual; or
Any organisation that is registered as a Māori or Pasifika business; and
Any organisation that is registered with the NZ Companies Office within the previous 12 months; and
Any organisation under 2 years old

Applications can be submitted by completion of the application form.
1. Company cannot be a rebranding and therefore new registration of a company
2. Proof of Māori/Pasifika status must be provided with application
3. Device rental is free of charge; however, the organisation must pay a service contract and associated servicing fees at Ricoh market rates for the duration of the Scholarship
4. The chosen organisation agrees to pay delivery and installation costs
5. The chosen organisation agrees to be set up on Ricoh’s Remote Servicing Tool (@Remote)
6. The chosen organisation agrees to be part of PR around this scholarship scheme including use of their business name, interview, and photos
7. At the conclusion of the Scholarship, the organisation can:
a) Return the device to Ricoh upon providing 30 days’ notice of their intent to do so; or
b) Retain the device and pay an agreed monthly amount until such time as either party
elects to terminate the agreement or upgrade the device.