Aog accredited supplier

The All of Government Print Technology and Associated Services (PTAS) contract covers print-related product and service requirements through the one contract.

This contract uses Statements of Work as the agreement between participating agencies and providers.

Umder this agreement we will provide:

  • Services or products to participating agencies as per the Service Level Agreement
  • Any transition services required by participating agencies
  • Reporting as required
  • Account management services to participating agencies
  • Contract management to MBIE.

The PTAS contract covers the following products and services: Print equipment, software, sector-specific products like 3D printers, wide- and large-format printers and scanners, as well as related consultancy and provider-enabled services and maintenance and servicing.

All State and State integrated Schools are eligible to use the All of Government (AoG) PTAS contract to procure any print equipment and associated services

Why use Ricoh All of Government PTAS?

  • Control costs and reinforce your operations

    Implementing more efficient processes that free up time, enabling you to focus on your resource development

  • Eliminate wastefulness and enhance sustainability

    Secure print drives more environmentally-friendly operations that can reduce your operating costs

  • Ensure you’re prepared

    harness the benefits of new technologies and new ways of working

  • Get the most out of your team members

    Free them from the frustration of inadequate, inefficient processes

  • Streamline processes

    Deliver strategic benefits such as improving customer service, responding more quickly to market developments and increasing knowledge-sharing and collaboration

  • Tighten information security and governance

    Enhance your reputation with customers and reduce the risk of critical-data security incidents

How to access these benefits

For further details, please contact the MBIE Centre of Excellence for Print and arrange to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and a Letter of Accession (LOA) –

Email[email protected]